MATA tracks its performance in relation to four goals, using eight performance measures (two for each goal). Beginning in January 2013, data is being tabulated and analyzed on a monthly basis and reported to the MATA Board of Commissioners. MATA’s goals and related performance measures are:
Increase Ridership While Maintaining Service Efficiency ("Ridership/Efficiency")
- Transit Boardings by mode
- Passengers per Revenue Hour by mode
Operate Reliable Transportation Services (“Reliability/Quality”)
- On-time Performance by mode
- Miles between Chargeable Road Calls by mode
Sustain a Customer-Focused Service Environment (“Customer Focus”)
- Passenger Complaints per 100,000 miles
- Average Customer Call Wait Time
Ensure a Safe and Clean Environment for Both Customers and Employees ("Safety/Security")
- Accidents per 100,000 miles by mode
- Preventable Accidents per 100,000 miles mode
The modes that MATA operates are (1) Fixed Route Bus, (2) Trolley, and
(3) MATAplus.
Performance Measures Reports
PDF links below
View 2013 Performance Measures Reports
January 2014
February 2014
March 2014
April 2014
May 2014
June 2014
July 2014
August 2014
September 2014
October 2014