See also: Trolley fares and passes
See also: MATAplus fares and passes

The farebox at the front of the bus is designed to accept cash fares and passes. The farebox does not dispense change and bus operators are not allowed to handle money or make change for fares. Please have exact fare amount ready to deposit into the farebox. The farebox also does not accept pennies or foreign objects.  

The following new temporary fares will go into effect beginning June 21, 2020 until further notice: 

Please note that 7-day and 31-day passes will not be sold at this time due to COVID-19.

Adult Base Fare   $1.00
Student Base Fare $1.00
Senior Citizens*  $0.50
Disabled & Senior Daily Fast Pass  $1.00
Individuals with Disabilities*  $0.50
Daily Fast Pass $2.00
Student Daily Fast Pass $2.00
MATAplus Base Fare $2.00


Please note that children who are under the age of five years old can ride for free when accompanied by a fare-paying adult. 



Students in grades 1-12, seniors 65 years and older, and people with disabilities must have a valid MATA ID to receive fares at a reduced price. Two forms of identification must be presented to obtain ID at MATA Customer Service Center at the William Hudson Transit Center. (A Medicare card is a valid form of identification.)

All passes are non-refundable, non-replaceable and non-exchangeable. MATA assumes no responsibility for items lost, stolen, misplaced or delayed in the mail. MATA may replace passes that are wedged or trapped in the farebox. For more specific information about MATA passes, please call (901) 274-MATA (6282).

Recite Me accessibility and Language Support
Recite Me accessibility and Language Support