See also: Reduced Fares Program - Individuals with Disabilities
See also: MATAplus services
See also: MATAplus Riders Guide
Wheelchair Lifts/Ramps And Securement

All MATA buses and trolley stations are wheelchair accessible. Bus operators will assist passengers in wheelchairs who may need help boarding and securing tie-down straps for onboard securement. Bus operators are required to document every instance a passenger declines wheelchair securement while on-board.
MATA buses also have a "kneeling" feature that allows the bus operator to lower the front of the bus to aid passengers with limited mobility. Please advise the bus operator if you need this service.
Ramps are available on all buses. If a ramp happens to electronically malfunction, please note that they can be deployed manually. This allows a bus operator to simply lift the ramp up by hand and unfold it out onto the street for access onto the bus.
How To Secure A Mobility Device
Wheel the chair into position, centering the chair evenly on all four corners with the four floor pocket inserts. Apply wheelchair brake and turn off power on electric chairs.
Attach the front belts by hooking the top black hook to a solid frame member of the chair and the opposite end of the belt to the floor inserts. Pull the loose end of the excess belting off the floor belt until snug. Connect Velcro tabs to keep chair secure.