The following methods are used by MATA to competitively procure goods and services.

  1. Request For Quotes [less than $50,000]
  2. Invitation For Bids (IFB) [$50,000 or more]
  3. Request For Proposals (RFP) or Request for Qualifications (RFQ) [$50,000 or more]

Request for Quotes – Quotes are solicited from at least three companies. Requests for Quotes are typically not formally advertised or placed on MATA's website.  Award may be based on price, or on price and other factors, as stated in the Request for Quotes.  Award is made to the responsive and responsible company whose quote is most advantageous to MATA. Approval of the MATA Board of Commissioners is not required. A firm-fixed price (lump sum or unit price) or cost-reimbursement type Purchase Order is issued to the selected company.

The process is slightly different for construction projects valued at $25,000 to $49,000 due to State of Tennessee requirements.

Invitation For Bids (IFB) - IFBs are formally advertised and placed on MATA’s website. Companies on MATA’s Vendor List for the required goods/services will receive a notification. Other companies may be added to the notification list, at the discretion of MATA staff.  Award is made to the responsive and responsible company with the lowest price.  Approval of the MATA Board of Commissioners is required. A firm-fixed price contract (lump sum or unit price) is entered into with the selected company.

An IFB is used when:

  1. A complete and detailed scope of services is available; 
  2. The procurement lends itself to a firm-fixed price contract and the selection can be made principally on the basis of price; and 
  3. No discussion with offerers is needed.

If the IFB method is used, the following requirements apply:

  1. The IFB will be publicly advertised and offers shall be solicited from an adequate number of companies, providing them sufficient time to prepare offers prior to the due date. 
  2. The IFB, which will include any specifications and pertinent attachments, shall define the items or services sought in order for the offerer to properly respond; 
  3. If a Pre-Bid Conference is held, notes from the meeting will be distributed to all companies that received the solicitation and will be placed on MATA’s website. 
  4. All bids will be publicly opened at the time and place described in the IFB. 

Request For Proposals (RFP) or Request for Qualifications (RFQ) - RFPs and RFQs are formally advertised and placed on MATA’s website.  Companies on MATA’s Vendor List for the required goods/services will receive a notification. Other companies may be added to the notification list, at the discretion of MATA staff.  Award is made to the responsive and responsible company whose offer is the most advantageous to MATA with price and other factors considered. Approval of the MATA Board of Commissioners is required. A firm-fixed price (lump sum or unit price) or cost-reimbursement type contract is entered into with the selected company.

An RFP is used when: 

  1. A complete and detailed scope of services has not been determined but general parameters and certain information is available; 
  2. The procurement does not lend itself to a firm-fixed price contract and the selection cannot be made principally on the basis of price; and 
  3. Discussion and negotiation is needed with offerers in the competitive range to establish a detailed description of the services to be performed and price.

An RFQ is used when: 

  1. A complete scope of services has not been determined there are no general parameters and certain information is available upon which to request a detailed proposal (e.g., an “on-call” procurement); 
  2. The procurement does not lend itself to a firm-fixed price contract and the selection cannot be made principally on the basis of price; and 
  3. Discussion and negotiation is needed with offerers to establish the detailed scope of services and price. 

If the RFP/RFQ method is used, the following requirements apply:

  1. The solicitation will be publicly advertised and offers shall be solicited from an adequate number of companies, providing them sufficient time to prepare offers prior to the due date;
  2. All evaluation factors listed in the RFP/RFQ in order of their relative importance and used to determine the most qualified (top-ranked) offerer. 
  3. The procedure for conducting the evaluation is explained in the RFP/RFQ. 
  4. If a Pre-Proposal Conference is held, notes from the meeting will be distributed to all companies that received the solicitation and will be placed on MATA’s website. 
  5. Awards will be made to the responsible offerer whose offer is most advantageous to MATA with price and other factors considered except for procurements of architectural/engineering related services.  Architectural/Engineering (A&E) services and A&E related services such as program management, construction management, feasibility studies, preliminary engineering, value engineering, design,surveying, mapping, or related services shall be procured using the "Brooks Method" as defined in 40 U.S.C. § 541.  Following this method, qualifications are evaluated and the most qualified (top-ranked) offerer is selected subject to negotiation of fair and reasonable compensation.  Under this method, MATA may not consider price as an evaluation factor in determining the most qualified offerer.  Negotiation is conducted with only the most qualified offerer.  If MATA is unable to arrive at an agreed price with the top-ranked offerer, negotiations are terminated with that offerer, and the negotiation process is begun with the second ranked offerer and the process continues until a mutually agreeable scope of services and price is determined.


Solicitation: A Request for Quotes, Invitation for Bid, Request for Proposal or Request for Qualifications issued by MATA. 

Offer:  A quote, bid, proposal or qualification statement submitted to MATA by an Offerer. 

Offerer: A company submitting a quote, bid, proposal or qualification statement to MATA in response to a solicitation. 
