Memphis Transit Vision
Together, we are shaping the future of Memphis. This vision for transit is developed with extensive input from the public, stakeholders, and elected officials. It is led by the City of Memphis’ 3.0 Comprehensive Plan and Innovate Memphis, in partnership with Memphis Area Transit Authority (MATA) and the Memphis Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO).
Transit Vision released a Draft Recommended Network of Memphis’ bus system, based on public input and Memphis priorities. Its success rides on YOU. This Network features:

New and redesigned bus routes that change how people connect across the city

39% more jobs reachable in an hour by transit for the average Memphian (17,000)

45% more jobs reachable in an hour for minority residents and 49% for low-income residents
78% of people agreed or strongly agreed the new Recommended Network would be better for the City!
77% of people are willing to invest more in transit.

Transit Vision + MATA Relationship
In 2014, Memphis Area Transit Authority (MATA) initiated the Midtown Alternatives Analysis Study (MAA). The study focused on transit needs in Midtown Memphis and surrounding neighborhoods and how to provide a better quality of service through those areas. Like Transit Vision, the study examined how transit could provide fast and convenient access to jobs, schools, and other daily destinations. This study was conducted by MATA with its consultants, whereas Transit Vision was conducted by the City of Memphis and Innovate Memphis.
The study evaluated route options and how the new service would look. Through research and public input, the study selected a preferred alternative for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) along Union Avenue and Poplar between downtown and the University of Memphis. The results were then included in Memphis 3.0 Transit Vision, which includes the BRT line in the Draft Recommended Network. If you refer to the Recommended Network opens external site, you will see the BRT #5 Union/Poplar route.